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PostWysÅ‚any: 09 Mar 2011, 10:16 
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Marzec 2005
Posty: 3452
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Society: Poltropia
Entropia Universe 11.8.0 Release Notes
New Features

Landgrab Battles are Back!


Once again it is possible to gather your society and fight for the control of a land area. These battles will be more frequent than before, and also have a new twist.

Each land area that can be taken over by a society has a fort on it. If the area is managed by a society when a battle is started, they can try to defend the fort for a given time period. If successful, they will keep the land area for another management period (around a week).

However, if the attackers manage to destroy the fort's main control room, the Land Area Marker is unlocked. Any society can then claim (Operate) this marker and try to defend it with their lives. They need to keep at least one society member alive within a 30-meter range of the marker until the given time period expires. The society that achieves this wins the battle and can manage the land area until the next Landgrab battle.

For info about upcoming Landgrab battles check the Landgrab tab in the Event List (under System in the action menu).
Fort Event Battles

Now it is possible to fight between Forts in the Ticket Event system with the new Most Fort Points Win rule.

If two forts are located within an event area it is possible to start Fort Events. Join one of the forces and wait for the event to start.

May the best force win!
Basic Battle Rules

When the event starts you will automatically be placed in the fort that your force needs to defend. Take part in the offensive actions and attack the other fort or stay and defend your home fort. You can spawn vehicles, mount the Fort Defense Turrets or be part of the infantry - all in the interest of winning this battle.

Use the Force chat channel to communicate strategies and tactics within your force.

Follow the objectives and try to get deep inside the enemy fort. There you will find important objectives to destroy. If you destroy the Main Control Room of the enemy fort, the current battle round is won and a new round of fort battle will begin.

During Fort Events, ammo burn is 10% of the ammo burn at regular usage and deterioration is also 10% of its normal value. Such low deterioration value is valid for weapons (including attack/strike MindForce chips), FAPs (including healing MindForce), armor, vehicles, repair kits, MindForce speed/slow and focus chips.
Friend or Foe

Units are color-marked to easily see who is in your force and who is in the enemy force. Red units are enemies and should be attacked, while green or yellow units are friendly and should be defended, healed or repaired. These colors are used on objectives, your targets, status bars and on the radar.
Force Points

Your force gathers Force Points by destroying parts of the enemy fort, taking out enemy vehicles and killing enemy avatars. Depending on the importance of the destroyed objects or the SI of the destroyed vehicles, your force will receive different amounts of Force Points.

You can also gain Force Points by repairing destroyed fort parts (those that can be repaired), such as destroyed Defense Turrets.
Participant Points

You receive Participant Points by damaging enemy structures, vehicles and avatars, healing friendly avatars and repairing friendly vehicles and structures.

The fort battle is won by the force that has received the most Force Points when the defined event time expires.

1. Force reward: If your force wins, all members of your force will share the PED value of the accumulated ammo and deterioration used by BOTH forces during the battle. The winnings will be divided among the force members depending on how much Participant Points each participant have gathered.
2. Individual reward: The event rules can be set to award the top three participants in the winning force.

Radar and Dashboard

* Radar UI and Dashboard UI are decoupled now and can be placed anywhere on the screen.
* Radar UI can be resized.
* Added icons to the Radar UI. The icons present details of the area you are currently at. Area properties you can view are if the area is a PVP zone, is toxic, and allows vehicles or you to enter. These icons can be viewed in three levels (colors): green, yellow or red.
o For pvp/toxic: green means the current area is pvp/toxic free, yellow means you are close to a pvp/toxic area and red means you are currently in a pvp/toxic area.
o For you/vehicles: green means that you/vehicles are allowed in current area, yellow means you are close to area that does not allow you/vehicles, red means that you/vehicles are not allowed in current area.


* Terrain alignment for dead characters.

Improvements and Fixed Issues


* Reduced texture memory consumption.
* Smoother loading of multiple vehicles.
* Increased degree of freedom to the VTOL pilot weapon.
* Tank treads now correspond better to the wheels.
* The tank (Megingjord), the helicopter (Gungnir) and the combat boat (Naglfar) is now customizable.


* Sound improved for all vehicles.
* Alert PVP sound changed.
* More sounds included for different terrains when walking and jumping.

Ticket Events

* Participating avatars will revive inside the event area when the event is active, if it contains a valid revival point.
* Non-participating avatars cannot enter active event areas (not by foot, driving, teleporting, mindforce teleporting or through revive).
* Non-participating avatars will get a warning on the radar when close to an active event.
* Non-participating avatars will be moved to closest revival point outside the area if logging in inside an active event.
* Fixed issue where Max vehicle SI was set to 100 instead of 1000 if no alterations was made in the Create UI.


* In the Inve ntory, when dropping items at the bottom of the grid, the grid is automatically expanded again.
* Avatars will revive within the current land area (green in map) or ticket area (white in map). If the area do not have a valid revive point the closest one will be selected, as before.
* Fixed issue since 11.6 where desktop icons and chat was incorrectly repositioned if you logged in with a different resolution than you logged out with.
* Tools and weapons placed in the world now show their attachments.
* The top section on the Tron Column Display can be used again.
* It is no longer possible to walk right through kitchen furniture.
* Issue with not being able to place items on pedestals has been fixed.
* The white "screen door" graphics glitch in Service Centers has been fixed.
* The HD resolution, 720p, or 1280x720 is now selectable in Options. Only applicable if Windows reports it as a screen resolution.

Źródło: entropiauniverse.com

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PostWysÅ‚any: 09 Mar 2011, 10:45 
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Wrzesień 2006
Posty: 120
HP: 126
Society: Darkside Renegades
Nick w grze: Symulakron
Brzmi interesująco, szczególnie ta część o 10% decayu i zużyciu ammo!
Ciekawe ile godzinny event będzie przeciętnie kosztował gracza np. snipera campera :)

Cóz wszystko wyjdzie w praniu, oby servery nie padały jak kiedyś podczas LG :)


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PostWysÅ‚any: 09 Mar 2011, 15:29 
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Październik 2007
Posty: 637
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Society: Kanwo
Nick w grze: Michal Pypek Kowalski
Brzmi lepiej niż wcześniej ! Może w końcu do czegoś się nadam w PvP :D.

Edit: Nvm, 10% zalicza się tylko do tych fortów eventowych, więc się do niczego nie nadam :D .

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PostWysÅ‚any: 09 Mar 2011, 17:18 
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Maj 2005
Posty: 1843
HP: 291
...ale poje*%$*bali radar.... może i ładny ten radar i może bardziej praktyczny?? ale na uj te linie graniczne/odległościowe skoro w żaden sposób nie odmierzają żadnej sensownej odległości :D np. pierwszy okrąg od środka 50m, kolejny 100m... niestety nie ma tak :D 50m wypada trochę za pierwszym okręgiem a 100m więcej niż trochę za kolejnym okręgiem :) ...toxy atakują z około 65m czyli mniej więcej z połowy między pierwszym a drugim okręgiem... teraz tak naprawdę gracz nie wie ile może się zbliżyć do moba by uniknąć ataku :) MA zmusza ludzi by ci byli atakowani i w dodatku bez szans na ucieczkę :D mus to strzelać, bronić się, 0 kombinowania, 0 myślenia, walić, wpłacać i tracić! :D bo tak szczerze to da się spier*^&%lić jedynie przed snablem czy combibem :) brawo :)

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PostWysÅ‚any: 09 Mar 2011, 17:37 
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Marzec 2005
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HP: 133
Society: Poltropia
Landgrab on Planet Calypso will go through its first phase today, after the SDS Fort Events have been concluded.

Landgrab will start today, 9th of March at 18:30 UTC. The following four landareas will be released in this phase:

LA 2
LA 8
LA 9
LA 15
Four more landgrab-areas will be released this coming weekend.

To answer a couple of questions that has been raised about the new landgrab:

How does a Society claim a fort the first time?
All societies can make the attempt to claim the Fort, and thus control the land for the coming period. There is no need to sign up to take part of the fort landgrab, just show up and bring some firepower!
To gain control over the fort, the Main Control Room needs to be destroyed in order to release the Claim Marker within the fort. It does not matter what society destroys the Control Room to get to the Claim Marker.
The Claim Marker will not start its countdown until it is released. The Claim marker must then be held for 1 hour before the claim is successful.

Does the 10% Decay and Ammo go for Landgrab as well?

No, the discount only goes for the Forts connected to the event system, not landgrab itself.

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PostWysÅ‚any: 09 Mar 2011, 17:38 
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Wrzesień 2006
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Society: Darkside Renegades
Nick w grze: Symulakron
czyli trzeba uczyć się czytania radaru na nowo... :/

cóz...gorszy narazie jest PVP bug...cała amethera to pvp
nie da rady tego wyłączyć na landach

ale patch chyba bedzie niebawem

czy ktos odważy się zorganizować próbny Fort Event dla polish comunity?

Ostatnio edytowany przez Symu, 09 Mar 2011, 18:44, edytowano w sumie 1 raz

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PostWysÅ‚any: 09 Mar 2011, 18:12 
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Maj 2005
Posty: 1843
HP: 291
Muszę powiedzieć, że ten nowy Fort Event jest niezły :) zabawa po pachy niskim kosztem :D ...tylko 10% kosztów ;)

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PostWysÅ‚any: 10 Mar 2011, 07:26 
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Sierpień 2008
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Nick w grze: Piotr JIIIS Wojtowicz
co do radaru to niestety musze sie zgodzic z Mutakiem, jest ladny, ale niepraktyczny:

- na ciemnych terenach nie widze wogole kolek na radarze (np. w shinook), utrudnia mining
- niepotrzebnie dali na radarze SE, SW, NE, NW, kazdy wie gdzie to jest, a jak teraz rzucam okiem na radar to mi schodzi 2x dluzej odczytanie, gdzie biegne
- niepotrzebnie lon/lat podawane z dokladnoscia do 1/10, po co to komu (podobnie jak info na chacie o usuwanym waypoincie)

coz, trzeba sie bedzie przyzwyczaic, bo suppa nie ma co pisac ;)

co do LG, 4 LA zostaly obstawione w 10 min ;) zwycieskie soce: CCCP, Art of War, Universe United, Black Angels, pewnie jeszcze LG nie cieszylo sie wielkim powodzeniem, bo malo osob wiedzialo / mialo czas

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PostWysÅ‚any: 10 Mar 2011, 08:17 
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Maj 2005
Posty: 1843
HP: 291
jaj JIIIS pierwszy raz w życiu zgadzasz się ze mną... Radar jest do poprawy bez 2ch zdań ale czy MA to poprawi skoro celowo wprowadzili te błędy/zmiany by zrobić z gracza gorszą ofiarę niż był... wątpię! :)

LG: Czarne Smoki nic? buuuuuuuuuu. Widocznie czegoś im zabrakło ;) ...odwagi?


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PostWysÅ‚any: 10 Mar 2011, 09:51 
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Kwiecień 2009
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Nick w grze: Ralph Sivy Bittner
JIIIS napisał(a):
co do radaru to niestety musze sie zgodzic z Mutakiem, jest ladny, ale niepraktyczny:

- na ciemnych terenach nie widze wogole kolek na radarze (np. w shinook), utrudnia mining
- niepotrzebnie dali na radarze SE, SW, NE, NW, kazdy wie gdzie to jest, a jak teraz rzucam okiem na radar to mi schodzi 2x dluzej odczytanie, gdzie biegne
- niepotrzebnie lon/lat podawane z dokladnoscia do 1/10, po co to komu (podobnie jak info na chacie o usuwanym waypoincie)

Popieram w stu procentach. Ale, że MA dało mi wczoraj dobry zwrot z miningu to ich z tej okazji nie zlinczuję :wink:

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PostWysÅ‚any: 10 Mar 2011, 12:29 
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Sierpień 2008
Posty: 2773
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Society: Freelancer
Nick w grze: Piotr JIIIS Wojtowicz
XII napisał(a):
LG: Czarne Smoki nic? buuuuuuuuuu. Widocznie czegoś im zabrakło ;) ...odwagi?

w pieciu czy mniej to nie za bardzo sie pewnie da ;)

a ciekawe jak jest z przechodzeniem miedzy socami na czas LG ;) jest jakies ograniczenie w zmianie socow?

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PostWysÅ‚any: 10 Mar 2011, 13:01 
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Styczeń 2006
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Nick w grze: Mortifer Kemoiz
Pewnie jest tak jak z członkami zawieszonymi. Kolo może opowiedzieć jak to działa :P

// Znaczy chodzi mi o kwestię tego, ze ktoś jest w zwycięskim socu i przechodzi do innego. I jak jest rozwiązana kwestia dostawania kasy dla tej osoby.

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PostWysÅ‚any: 10 Mar 2011, 13:04 
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Lipiec 2005
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Nick w grze: www.project-ion.pl
XII napisał(a):
jaj JIIIS pierwszy raz w życiu zgadzasz się ze mną... Radar jest do poprawy bez 2ch zdań ale czy MA to poprawi skoro celowo wprowadzili te błędy/zmiany by zrobić z gracza gorszą ofiarę niż był... wątpię! :)

LG: Czarne Smoki nic? buuuuuuuuuu. Widocznie czegoś im zabrakło ;) ...odwagi?


Nie będziemy brać udziału póki stabilności nie poprawią. Nie ma sensu walki skoro co 10 minut jest crash i wywala z gry.

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PostWysÅ‚any: 10 Mar 2011, 13:15 
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Luty 2006
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XII napisał(a):
jaj JIIIS pierwszy raz w życiu zgadzasz się ze mną... Radar jest do poprawy bez 2ch zdań ale czy MA to poprawi skoro celowo wprowadzili te błędy/zmiany by zrobić z gracza gorszą ofiarę niż był... wątpię! :)

LG: Czarne Smoki nic? buuuuuuuuuu. Widocznie czegoś im zabrakło ;) ...odwagi?


a co to my jesteśmy ? jest wiele polskich soców i jakoś niewidzę by brały one udział

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PostWysÅ‚any: 10 Mar 2011, 14:21 
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Październik 2006
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Society: KingKongSajz:)
ale wszystkie martwe albo nieaktywne

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PostWysÅ‚any: 10 Mar 2011, 15:06 
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Maj 2005
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HP: 291
wiele polskich soców... no ok ale Wy to co innego... reszta to same nuby :P

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PostWysÅ‚any: 10 Mar 2011, 15:33 
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Kwiecień 2009
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Nick w grze: Ralph Sivy Bittner
No to teraz już nie wiem czy ślisko czy kąśliwie :lol:

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PostWysÅ‚any: 10 Mar 2011, 15:47 
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Luty 2006
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XII napisał(a):
wiele polskich soców... no ok ale Wy to co innego... reszta to same nuby :P

zwołajcie starą ekipe szare szeregi i ruszajcie :P

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PostWysÅ‚any: 10 Mar 2011, 17:07 
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Kwiecień 2005
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Society: Poltropia
Nick w grze: Jarek CvX Cvoxs
Tomorrow our servers will be temporarily made unavailable while we implement Entropia Universe Release 11.8.2. The size will be 4.8MB so please plan ahead for downloading this patch.

The servers will be taken down at 2011-03-11 08:30 UTC, and we estimate a downtime of at least 120 minutes.

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Już dzisiaj zaplanujcie jutrzejsze sciąganie patcha w wielkości 4,8MB!!!

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PostWysÅ‚any: 10 Mar 2011, 17:15 
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Luty 2006
Posty: 552
HP: 88
Nick w grze: Nie pamiętam.
przez nich muszę kupować nowy kalendarzyk ! :evil: :cry: :x :oops: :?

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PostWysÅ‚any: 10 Mar 2011, 21:05 
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Maj 2005
Posty: 1843
HP: 291
My nie chcemy zabierać starych, już dawno nieistniejących soców :) my chcemy Was ! "_" ja w sumie też nub jestem :) sam nic nie zdziałam :D

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PostWysÅ‚any: 11 Mar 2011, 23:49 
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Marzec 2005
Posty: 3452
HP: 133
Society: Poltropia
Entropia Universe 11.8.2 Release Notes

Improvements and Fixed Issues
Improved client stability.
Attached vehicle weapons now have correct deterioration in Fort Events.
Added notification when Fort Event ends.
Vehicles now stop on the border to areas where they are not allowed.
Fixed an issue with the radar not always being visible.
Fixed an issue with getting wrong start position when a new Fort Event round starts.
Fixed an issue with incorrect sort order in Global Event List when switching between tabs.

Known Issues

Workaround for disabling PvP on a Land Area you manage on Amethera:
In your Land Area Marker Settings, activate PvP and click Accept.
In your Land Area Marker Settings, disable PvP and click Accept.
Managed Land Area is not a PvP zone now. However, you will have a yellow PvP symbol on the Radar since the surrounding area is still PvP.

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