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PostWysÅ‚any: 26 Mar 2007, 07:32 
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W środę 4 kwietnia o godz. 17:00 czasu Calypso
odbędzie się chat na żywo z Frankiem z MindArk.

Wszystko odbędzie się na www.entropiaforum.com (link: chat).
Aby wziąść w nim udział należy mieć tam założone konto.

Orginalna wiadomość | Informacje nt chat'a na Entropiaforum

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PostWysÅ‚any: 26 Mar 2007, 14:41 
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Nick w grze: Mortifer Kemoiz
A co to za franek? :P

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PostWysÅ‚any: 26 Mar 2007, 15:59 
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Mort, tego nie wiesz? Franek Golas :)

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PostWysÅ‚any: 26 Mar 2007, 16:06 
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Nick w grze: Mortifer Kemoiz
Hym... franek to nie pomagier Marco? Biedny marco taki zapracowany, ze pomoc musi miec... :P

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PostWysÅ‚any: 26 Mar 2007, 18:36 
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Franek to pomagier Marco ds kontaktu z użyszkodnikami :)

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PostWysÅ‚any: 04 Kwi 2007, 15:58 
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Chat odbędzie się godzinę wcześniej - o 16:00 czasu Calypso (u nas 18:00).
Po wejściu na chat należy dołączyć do kanału "Interview Room".

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PostWysÅ‚any: 04 Kwi 2007, 16:37 
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Jakby wrzucili na EF loga z rozmowy to byłoby kul.

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PostWysÅ‚any: 04 Kwi 2007, 16:44 
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Nick w grze: Jarek CvX Cvoxs

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PostWysÅ‚any: 04 Kwi 2007, 18:04 
lipa ten chat...all co chciałem napisać to przez moderatora szło i nic się nie pojawiło lol...przepraszam, ale co to ma być do cholery? manipulacja jak *****, ***** i nie przyznaje się do tej gry...

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PostWysÅ‚any: 04 Kwi 2007, 18:07 
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Nick w grze: Jarek CvX Cvoxs
Taak, Level rzucił pewnie jakieś pytanie dotyczące lootu (wiadomo, że odpowiedzi i tak by nie było) i, co dziwne, nie poszło do Franka jako pytanie! :o To szok! A może w pytaniu umieścileś skrót "LOL"? ;)

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PostWysÅ‚any: 04 Kwi 2007, 18:10 
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Nie tylko Frank uczesticzy/Å‚ w chacie 8)


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PostWysÅ‚any: 04 Kwi 2007, 18:18 
CvX ehh...nie tylko to...bo powiedzmy sobie szczerze...co nas gówno obchodzą zmiany wizualne/beauty system/ad system i te inne pierdoły...nawet nie odpowiedzą downy na pytanie co z landami Nostropa i HunterZ ... nie rozumiem tego świata.

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PostWysÅ‚any: 04 Kwi 2007, 18:30 
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Transcript of Live Chat with Frank|Mindark
EntropiaForum was very honored to host a Live Chat session with Mindark Community representitive Frank.

Over 80 EntropiaForum members were there to barrage Frank with questions about EntropiaUniverse.

Below is the transcript of that chat session.

JohnCapital: Who came up with the idea for the PVP4?
Frank_MindArk: No one person in particular came up with PVP4. It came about from a wish to do something entertaining for the participants. A team effort.

Rizzet: why are there safezones in pvp4?
Frank_MindArk: Safe zones? It's more like that the whole Island isn't PVP, just the westerly zone

mackbrich: To reward mindforce users, will there be creatures (ghosts or something) that only can be killed by mindforce weapons?
Frank_MindArk: Not exclusively that they can be killed only with MindFroce, but we are looking at developing MindForce so that it can do more

kygon: do MA think these new upper level (L) fap skill requirement are 'fair' and attainable?
Frank_MindArk: Yes, with respect to the future.

majorputty: are there any plans to stock the bar's up with beer this year ?
Frank_MindArk: Eventually yes (hick!)

dakusingh: MA have announced a few times, there will be 2 LG's every year and have never commited to this, and when it was annouced it was within 2/3 days which is not enough time really! I dont think MA realise how much people want LG, whens the ETA on nextLG?
Frank_MindArk: We are well aware that LG's are great fun and are dedicating time to making sure the proper technology is in place to make the next LG live up to its expectations. With regards to a time frame, we're looking at Q3/Q4 this year

black_rain13: What is the plan for the Thorifoid Temple area? In the last two VU's we have seen many changes, but nothing seems to be happening aside from some textures and landscape changes. Any comment?
Frank_MindArk: Our aim in creating such interesting places is to use them in storylines eventually. As you know, there are many interesting places around Calypso.

PeteHines: Is there anything being done about the lack of colorers in entropia ?
Frank_MindArk: We're always evaluating systems in the Entropia Universe, and will continue to develop them to reach a maximum entertainment level for each system. So basically, it's far from finished - it will be improved upon.
Sacred entered the room.

Uniqu3: In the new lootable PvP there are safe areas, what is the point of spawning mobs unique to this area near these, allowing ppl to hunt them in safety, they may aswell been spawned elsewhere on the planet?
Frank_MindArk: Actually I quite like the idea of unique special mobs in special areas. The Mul are the Guardians of Akmuul Island. Have you noticed that there are different levels of Mul.
Frank_MindArk: Well the fact that the Mul only exist on Akmuul Island. Thats what I meant by unique.

Trabin: With regards to DNA, are there any plans to increase the availability of DNA for other mobs, such as the Armax, Oculus, KingFisher etc and also increase the drop rate of the rarer parts for existing mobs, such as the Neconu Jaw Bone ?
Frank_MindArk: Even the DNA system will be expanded in the future, so the answer is yes.

Skippie: the skill nerf we had in the fall was extremely harsh for mid and lower skilled players to get over. any plans with SIB weapons to help assist mid level players in more normalized skilling in the future? was this part of the decision to nerf skill?
Frank_MindArk: We will naturally include more objects for every level in the future. Balance is the aim.

majorputty: What is your impression of the WoF ?
Frank_MindArk: Absolutely brilliant!!
Frank_MindArk: We loved it so that's why we wanted to get involved with some prizes.

Klod: Will there be any upgrades to the event system (soonish) especially with a a upgrade of the score board. Atm only the top three is wiewable during the event and a info about the winner is given after. Perhaps top 5 during event and all positions aft
Frank_MindArk: We have a whole list of improvements for the event system, including increasing to Top 5, but unfortunately they are not planned for the near future.

Francine: What can we expect about the egg of Club Neverdie?
Frank_MindArk: Something to take your breath away.

TrinityIV: Why have the attributes changed after all these years? has this anything to do with mindark reconsidering to implement Attribute chips?
Frank_MindArk: Attribute changes are part of a long term plan to achieve a balance that can last.

sahel: Any news you can share regarding the Video Competition?
Frank_MindArk: The Video Competition winner will be announced in about 2 weeks.

vanmol: It's getting quite crowded in Crystal Palace. Any plans to expand or otherwise control the amount of visitors?
Frank_MindArk: Nothing I can say I've heard about, but obviously if it becomes unsustainable we'll do something about it.

Alice: well, my standard topic, are there any improvements planned for mentoring ?
Frank_MindArk: We are aware that the mentor system can be improved, and will make changes to it.

dakusingh: Shouldn't MA have more freq events to keep the playerbase more engrossed? 1 event now and again does not seem to cut it anymore, what are the plans for the future events?
Frank_MindArk: Yes, we have started discussions about getting some tools to allow us to hold events more regularly. For the moment though, we'll be sticking with the one time specials.
Frank_MindArk: Just have to make sure that they have something special each time

Samuel19: What is MA doing to stop the high price inflation on unlimited weapons and armor ingame?
Frank_MindArk: Thats difficult because preserving the free market is very important for us. The Balancing Manager is always following developments and takes appropiate action when necessary.

Wistrel: Who wrote the original Calypso Backstory?
Frank_MindArk: Good question. Marco, myself and a guy called Fredrik Andersson
Frank_MindArk: Fun times

AkiranBlade: Firstly, Hi Frank and Marco thanks for enabling us to have this chat session. My question is, with the introduction of the Limited FAPs, it's been shown that at the highest end of the skill spectrum the biggest FAP only does the same kind of heal...
AkiranBlade: as a Modified FAP, does this mean that FAPs are going to always be limited to sub 200 HP healing ability?
Frank_MindArk: No

ReadBird: Is there any chance to let us see who actually bought our items on auction in the same window as markup and stuff is viewed when sold
Frank_MindArk: Maybe in the next update of the Auction system, but it's not a priority.

Zap: What MA is doing in promoting EU to Attract more players to join? Or trusting active players to do promoting? Is there a bigger plan in promoting, if any?
Frank_MindArk: Yes, it's defintitely getting going now. We are looking at a lot of options now and have just began with a banner campaign. Lots more to come. We have that mandate now.
Frank_MindArk: Its always great when participants also promote.

nutter: What is the future for participant content in EU? Just pictures / movies in frames, or items, clothes, tatoos etc?
Frank_MindArk: No, in fact we are now looking at an option where participants can create more content than just pictures, movies etc.
Frank_MindArk: So in other words, the future looks bright for Participant Content on other levels as well
Marco_MindArk: As a note to the PC - we just have to make sure it is integrated correctly into the real cash economy. Very important.

Blinding_Light: With the opening of the new Entropia Banks in about 28 days, will we expect to hear an ETA for the Stock Exchange? It has been there since PreGold, is it going to be made usefull anytime soon?
Frank_MindArk: Yes it will come when we feel the market can sustain it and that its both entertaining and worthwhile

Cougar: Are going to get more Beacon-like missions? Like looting a "key" to the thorio temple and go on an underground mission.
Frank_MindArk: What a good idea Eventually yes, but no time frame at the moment

Zilly: Will MA introduce more Haircut and the ability to give a beard to avatars so beauticians got more income, especially for the newcomers ...
Frank_MindArk: Beards, maybe they're there already

RobVee: When can we expect the taming system to be updated?
Frank_MindArk: I would be very happy if we got a document written for the development of the taming system this year.

Cee: What's the status on the vehicles development?
Frank_MindArk: Vehicles - we're currently looking at Q4 2007 - Q1 2008

JohnCapital: So many projects to work on, so little time. Any plans on hiring more programmers to help the work load?
Frank_MindArk: Yes, thats a priority for 2007
Marco_MindArk: We also have job applications out on mindark.com

Konve: So is it really true that the only income Mindark has, is from decay of items?
Frank_MindArk: Refer to Marco's posts on this forum

Blinding_Light: In a recent Thread, Dekel has brought up the crafting system, and the conundrum that it is, Is there a timefrime on when high-skilled crafters will be rewarded for the massive amounts of ped they have to spend?
Frank_MindArk: Same thing there, even the crafting system will develop over time, but it's difficult to make promises or give a specific time frame

MindBuster: Will there be any new continents or areas where miners can mine in peace, without being "forced" to also being a hunter, like a contaminated area where mobs cannot live, without the pvp looting though ?
Frank_MindArk: I doubt it, part of the adventure is to interact with the planet and all its inhabitants and elements.

Eld: Think we can have a roadmap for 2007?
Frank_MindArk: RoadMap 2007 - Continue to improve the graphical appearance of Entropia Universe. Increase user content abilities and opportunities. Allow Entropia to accomodate more participants. Improve current systems and increase the personell at MindArk.

Francine: Shotguns like the swine series are supposed in real life to have a damage area effect whereas they dont in EU. Do you plan to add this effect on weapons like Laganaus Canon, or new weapons like grenades?
Frank_MindArk: Theres are new VU on the way. Think you in particular will enjoy it hint hint

burnsey: From 2002 Marco mentioned Space combat... Hangars have been in the game for years now, will these be updated for space combat or will new ships be made for that and in what timeframe?
Marco_MindArk: Space combat, space mining and actually travelling between planets and systems are on the roadmap. However it is a long term and quite extensive system to implement and at this point MA feels the resources are better spent on other enhancements.
Marco_MindArk: I don't think space will be exploited until 2008 at the earliest.

Casay: Are the artists going thru and fixing older items that are causing lag and rendering problems? Also are they fixing the texture masks for items like clothing, plants etc?
Frank_MindArk: Yes
Frank_MindArk: You've seen some of their work recently (HUD, icons etc.)

Blinding_Light: What do you think of Entropia Universe's players trying to use the Nintendo Wii remotes to play EU with?
Frank_MindArk: We love technology

nutter: How is the testing on MS Vista going?
Frank_MindArk: We're looking at it but won't be able to offer support for it until it been around for a little while longer though

Jake_Rogue: Will there ever be in-game player "professions" introduced that depend less on luck/chance as the dominant factor and more on a participant's actual real life skill, wit, intelligence or creativety?
Frank_MindArk: I think there already are. I mean, starting a successful shop depends on a lot of real life skills. Even sign making and art. And what about event organizing?

Zyie: Are the ATM cards going to come back, and if not, will the regular withdrawls get more resources to be able to handle withdrawls faster?
Vixen78 has left the room.
Frank_MindArk: ATM cards are definitely on their way back. Refer to Marco recent post about 30 minutes ago

Konve: How many headlines are there on the "Internal List of Stuff to Develop"(I L S D?)? In 2004 Marco claimed there to be "1300 headlines right now. ,-)"..
Frank_MindArk: It's growing every day. Especially after a chat like this. Thats what makes prioritizing such a hard pill to swallow. Its actually several thousand headlines now

Venus: About half of Amethera has no mobs because of unowned LG areas or LAs that are not tended by inactive/locked avatars. Any plans to address these wastes areas?
Frank_MindArk: Expect a statement in the near future

Blinding_Light: How does the balancing manager decided when an Uber item (ImkII, Mod Fap, etc.) be dropped? Is it a player vs. item ratio? like say when 100k players join, 10 ImkII's will be allowed to drop? or is it completely random?
Frank_MindArk: That is a well kept secret

Frank_MindArk: I'm goin to go home now but I'll take one more question

ThunderCat: Any news on piloting improvements?like use terminals for keeping the order and etc
Frank_MindArk: Not at the moment

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PostWysÅ‚any: 04 Kwi 2007, 19:11 
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Z ciekawszych rzeczy:

sahel: Any news you can share regarding the Video Competition?
Frank_MindArk: The Video Competition winner will be announced in about 2 weeks.
Wreszcie się zebrali i obejżeli filmy. :wink:

Blinding_Light: With the opening of the new Entropia Banks in about 28 days, will we expect to hear an ETA for the Stock Exchange? It has been there since PreGold, is it going to be made usefull anytime soon?
Frank_MindArk: Yes it will come when we feel the market can sustain it and that its both entertaining and worthwhile
Czyli jednak jest szansa na to, że Terminale Giełdowe znów zaczną funkcjonować! :)

RobVee: When can we expect the taming system to be updated?
Frank_MindArk: I would be very happy if we got a document written for the development of the taming system this year.
Ho-ho! Owocki nie podrożeją przez najbliższy rok albo i lepiej! :P

Cee: What's the status on the vehicles development?
Frank_MindArk: Vehicles - we're currently looking at Q4 2007 - Q1 2008
Pojazdy na początku przyszłego roku. Fajnie.

Francine: Shotguns like the swine series are supposed in real life to have a damage area effect whereas they dont in EU. Do you plan to add this effect on weapons like Laganaus Canon, or new weapons like grenades?
Frank_MindArk: Theres are new VU on the way. Think you in particular will enjoy it hint hint
OoOoOooOOOo! Broń masowego ;) rażenia już wkrótce! :o

Venus: About half of Amethera has no mobs because of unowned LG areas or LAs that are not tended by inactive/locked avatars. Any plans to address these wastes areas?
Frank_MindArk: Expect a statement in the near future
Widzisz level, "twoje" pytanie też było. :P

//dziwnie (jeśli chodzi o układ graficzny/proporcje) wygląda ten post. ;)

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PostWysÅ‚any: 04 Kwi 2007, 19:22 
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podejmie sie ktos przetłumaczenia co ciekawszych pytan?

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PostWysÅ‚any: 04 Kwi 2007, 19:55 
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Nick w grze: Crynin Skanerin Utis
tłumaczenie w trakcie
edit: omfg...

Zamknąłem sobie okno po 30 minutach tłumaczenia. Qrfa lol....Żal...

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PostWysÅ‚any: 04 Kwi 2007, 20:22 
a widze nie zauważylisce zapisku, że będą fapy co lecza ponad 200hp

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PostWysÅ‚any: 04 Kwi 2007, 20:34 
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ja to jestem ciekawa, co z jajka nam ''zaprze dech''...
Moze to ze bedzie puste? :lol:

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PostWysÅ‚any: 04 Kwi 2007, 20:58 
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Nick w grze: Crynin Skanerin Utis
Dobra, damn... Przyznaje się bez bicia, że bardziej kręci mnie bicie mobów, niż tłumaczenie tekstów z ang. (Który to język każdy z obywateli powinien rozpoznać...Tak czy siak - resztę czatu wrzucę w następnych dniach....). Czyli jutro reszta ;p

Transcript of Live Chat with Frank|Mindark
EntropiaForum was very honored to host a Live Chat session with Mindark Community

representitive Frank.

Zapis czatu z Frankiem z Mindarku. Prawie 80 członków ED zasypywało Franka pytaniami.
Poniżej jest zapis tego chatu.

JohnCapital: Kto wpadłna pomysł wrzucenia pvp4?
Frank_MindArk: Nikt osobiście nie jest odpowiedzialny za pvp4. Wyszło to z chęci dania

rozrywki uczestnikom gry. Była to decyzja całej ekipy developrów.

Rizzet: Czemu w pvp4 sÄ… bezpiczene strefy?
Frank_MindArk: Bezpieczne strefy? Chyba chodzi o to, że na wschodzie wyspy nie ma strefy


mackbrich: Czy żeby wynagordzić korzystających z mindforce, będą moby (duchy czy coś) któe

będą mogły być zabite tylko przy pomocy mindforce?
Frank_MindArk: Nie będzie takiego honorowania, ale pracujemy nad mindforcem, żeby było to

większą cześćią gry

kygon: Czy MA uważa, że poziom zaawansowania gracza potrzebny do używania nowych uber fapów

(L) to zagranie fair?
Frank_MindArk: Tak, i szanujemy to, co będzie w przyszłości.

majorputty: are there any plans to stock the bar's up with beer this year ?
Frank_MindArk: Eventually yes (hick!)

dakusingh: (Blah, tu się poddaję. Nie chcę za bardzo posługiwać się wyobraźnią, bo mogłaby

wyjść bzdura ;p)
MA have announced a few times, there will be 2 LG's every year and have never commited to

this, and when it was annouced it was within 2/3 days which is not enough time really! I

dont think MA realise how much people want LG, whens the ETA on nextLG?
Frank_MindArk: We are well aware that LG's are great fun and are dedicating time to making

sure the proper technology is in place to make the next LG live up to its expectations. With

regards to a time frame, we're looking at Q3/Q4 this year

black_rain13: Co zamierzacie zrobić z Thorifoid Temple area? W ostatnich dwóch VU było sporo

zmian, ale nie było to nic większego niż zmiana paru tekstur i krajobrazów. Jakiś momentarz?
Frank_MindArk: Naszym założeniem jest tworzenie interesujących miejsc, aby w razie czego

mogły one służyć jako tło do questów. A jak wiecie, jest sporo takich miejsc na Calypso
Our aim in creating such interesting places is to use them in storylines eventually. As you

know, there are many interesting places around Calypso.

PeteHines: Czy jest coÅ› robione w sprawie farbowania rzadkimi kolorami ?
Frank_MindArk: Zawsze udoskonalamy zasady w EU, i będziemy to robić, aby zmaksymalizować

rozrywkę. Więc po prostu: ten system będzie usprawniony wkrótce.

Uniqu3: W nowej strefie pvp sÄ… bezpieczne strefy. Po co pojawiajÄ… siÄ™ tam moby unikalne dla

strefy pvp? Ludzie mogą na nie polować bezpiecznie, więc czemu nie można ich umieścić w

innych rejonach Calypso?
Frank_MindArk: W sumie lubię koncepcje unkalnych mobów w unikalnych strefach. Mule są

strażnikami Akmuul Island. Nie wiem czy zwróciłeś uwagę, na różne maturity Muuli?
Frank_MindArk: W sumie Mule istniejÄ… tylko na Akmuul Wyspach. I to czyni je unikalnymi.

Trabin: Biorąc pod uwagę system DNA, czy są jakieś plany do podniesienia dostęności DNA

danych mobów, takich jak: Armax, Oculus, KingFisher itd, a także czy można jakoś podnieść

drop rzadkich części z mobów, takich jak np Neconu Jaw Bone?
Frank_MindArk: System DNA także będzie w przyszłości udoskonalony, wiec odpowiedź brzmi:


Skippie: Uwalenie skilli, do którego doszło na jesień, uderzyło najbardziej w średnio i

słabo wyskillowanych graczy. Macie jakieś pomysły na bronie z bonusem do gainu skilla dla

średnio wyskillowanych graczy w przyszłości? Czy też to była po prostu decyzja: uwalić


Frank_MindArk: Oczywiście uwzględniamy wiele czynników w naszych zmianach. Naszym celem jest


majorputty: Co myślice o konkursie WoF?
Frank_MindArk: Jest wspaniały!!
Frank_MindArk:Naprawdę nam się spodobał, i dlatego postanowiliśmy ufunodwać parę nagród

Klod: Czy będzie udoskonalany system konkursów (zwłaszcza z uwzględnieniem systemu

podliczsania punktów? W tym momenice tylko informacja o trzech najlepszych jest udostęniana

innym. Może chodź trochę naprawiłoby wprowadzenie systemu 5-pmiejscowego systemu w evencie?

Frank_MindArk: Mamy pełną listę propozycji co do eventów, łącznie z top 5, ale niesty - nie są one planowane na anajbliższą przyszłość.

Francine: Czego możemy się spodziewąć po jajku Neverdie? ;p
Frank_MindArk: CzegoÅ›, co zaprze wam dech w piersiach.

TrinityIV: Czemu atrybuty zmieniają się tak bardzo przez ostatnie lata? Czy ma to jakiś związek, ze zmianami? Atrybuty to część naszej długosiężnej strategii w MA.Liczymy na osiągnięcie równowagi we wszystkich kwestiach.

sahel: Czy sÄ… jakieÅ› pytania a propo konkursu video?
Frank_MindArk: Zwycięzca najprawdopodobniej zostanie ogłoszony w ciągu 2 tygodni.

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PostWysÅ‚any: 04 Kwi 2007, 21:47 
a i jeszcze z tego co pamiętam, MA nie odpowiedziało na pytanie odnośnie Dekela, który osiągnął co osiągnął w crafcie i mimo swoich super skili nie widząc bonusów z tego wynikających po prostu to rzucił craft, w pytaniu chodziło o jakieś dodatkowe bonusy dla takich uber crafterów, a Franklin odpowiedział, że craft jest ciągle udoskonalany lol

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PostWysÅ‚any: 05 Kwi 2007, 05:33 
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Styczeń 2006
Posty: 105
HP: 132
Society: Jestem Free
Nick w grze: YUBY
A zapytał się ktoś dlaczego tak podkrecili kurek że nic nie leci, bedą mydlić oczy a o najistotniejszychj sprawach nikt nie mówi. Nowe moby nowe tekstury, pvp itp... a jak mam postać rozwijać, owocki zbierać, banda .....

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PostWysÅ‚any: 05 Kwi 2007, 09:12 
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Kwiecień 2005
Posty: 1485
HP: 0
Nick w grze: Harddy DUCH Cooldice
byłem i widziałem
ten czat to była jedna wielka kupa...

zero konkretów i bardzo lakoniczne odpowiedzi, tak na odwał... ale + jest w tym że wysilili swoje tyłki by w ogóle coś pogadać z ludźmi, mam nadzieje że wyewoluuje to jakoś pozytywnie

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PostWysÅ‚any: 05 Kwi 2007, 10:45 
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Kwiecień 2005
Posty: 2167
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Society: Poltropia
powiedział dokładnie nic, gorzej niż Marco, pewnie zestresowany był że powie jedno słowo za dużo i mu po premi siekną...

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PostWysÅ‚any: 06 Kwi 2007, 09:53 
Marzec 2007
Posty: 8
HP: 117
Society: Smart Professionals United
Skanerin napisał(a):
majorputty: are there any plans to stock the bar's up with beer this year ?
Frank_MindArk: Eventually yes (hick!)

dakusingh: (Blah, tu się poddaję. Nie chcę za bardzo posługiwać się wyobraźnią, bo mogłaby

wyjść bzdura ;p)

majorputty: Czy są plany dostarczenia piwa do barów w tym roku?
Frank_MindArk: Kiedyś na pewno (tu nie jestem pewien czy to nie pomyłka Franka ;) hick to prostak, ale myślę, że powinno być hic, czyli *czknięcie*)

Skanerin napisał(a):
kygon: Czy MA uważa, że poziom zaawansowania gracza potrzebny do używania nowych uber fapów

(L) to zagranie fair?
Frank_MindArk: Tak, i szanujemy to, co będzie w przyszłości.

Moja wersja:
kygon: Czy MA uważa, że wymagania dotyczące umiejętności w przypadku nowych apteczek (L) z wyższych poziomów są 'sprawiedliwe' i osiągalne?
Frank_MindArk: Tak, w przyszłości.


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PostWysÅ‚any: 06 Kwi 2007, 13:29 
Awatar użytkownika
Czerwiec 2005
Posty: 1318
HP: 0
Society: Poltropia
Nick w grze: Posse
Jak kazdy inny chat :) Bylem tam na 20 min przed rozpoczeciem ale sie poddalem.
Moim zdaniem odpowiadali dosc konkretnie - nie odnioslem wrazenia odpowiedzi na odczep sie (jak ostatnio)

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